Пробники ОГЭ
Математика Физика Информатика Химия Русский Обществознание Литература История Иностранные языки География Биология
18 июня 2024
В закладки

Future tenses

Пробники ОГЭ по иностранным языкам
Тренировочные упражнения.


1. We will go out as soon as we __________________________ (finish) this.

2. By the time we get there, the film_____________________ (begin).

3. Look at those clouds. It ____________________________ (rain).

4. I ________________________________ (meet) her this evening.

5. Don’t call at 6.00. I ________________________ (do) my homework then.

6. Perhaps I ______________________ (see) you tomorrow.

7. I forgot the car keys. – Don’t worry, I ________ (get) them for you.

8. What time _____________ the next train __________________ (arrive)?

9. He __________________ (spend) all his money by the end of the week.

10. I ____________________________ (pay) all my debts in a week’s time.

11. Stop that, or I _________________ (tell) your parents.

12. Paul ___________________________ (learn) French.

13. This time next week he __________________ (camp) in the mountains.

14. Have you heard? Linda ________________________(buy) a new house.

15. Where __________ you ___________ (work) in ten years’ time?

16. I ________________________ (help) you move if I get here on time.

17. Stay in your seat until the bell ___________________________ (ring).

18. __________ you ______________ (use) your car at the weekend? - I guess I will.

19. _______ you ____________________ (watch) the action movie? – Yes, I am.

20. He ____________________ (arrive) in Paris by the end of the day.


1. We will go out as soon as we finish this.
2. By the time we get there, the film will have begun.
3. Look at those clouds. It is going to rain.
4. I am meeting / am going to meet her this evening.
5. Don’t call at 6.00. I will be doing my homework then.
6. Perhaps I will see you tomorrow.
7. I forgot the car keys. – Don’t worry, I will get them for you.
8. What time does the next train arrive?
9. He will have spent all his money by the end of the week.
10. I will have paid all my debts in a week’s time.
11. Stop that, or I will tell your parents.
12. Paul is going to learn French.
13. This time next week he will be camping in the mountains.
14. Have you heard? Linda is going to buy a new house.
15. Where will you be working in ten years’ time?
16. I will help you move if I get here on time.
17. Stay in your seat until the bell rings.
18. Will you be using your car at the weekend? -I guess I will.
19. Are you going to watch the action movie? – Yes, I am.
20. He will have arrived in Paris by the end of the day.
    • smileblushsmirkconfusedhushedpensivecry
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