Английский Пробники | Видеоуроки | Демоверсия
25 марта 2022
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Задание 4 устной части по английскому языку

Шаблон для выполнения задания 4 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку с учётом изменений, вступивших в силу в 2021-2022 учебном году.


План высказывания



Hi, Mary! I’ve found a couple of photos for our project and I’d like to share some thoughts about it

1) give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the project in each photo minimum);

In the first picture, there is … (what/who/where/action) /The first photo shows … . It looks like (action).

In the second picture, there is …(what/who/where/action).

2) say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject of the project minimum);

No doubt the photos are different.

The first pic shows/illustrates …, where/ when…
Concerning the second one the girl/the man is using/doing/looking  as…


3) mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two options;

As for pros and cons, I believe the only advantage of … is that (you/they can)… It’s disadvantage is  (noun)…

As for the advantage of …, it’s (noun) … . However, (you/they can)… .

4) explain how these photos illustrate the project “Topic”;

These photos are a good choice for our project because they show/prove that (the theme of the project)… is…

5) express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to “Topic” and why yes or no.

As for me, I would like to/I wouldn’t like to … .

Final thoughts

That’s all I wanted to say. Hope, you like the photos. See you soon.

Автор: Гиляева Роза Медерисовна.
    • smileblushsmirkconfusedhushedpensivecry

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  1. Leo 16 июня 2023 12:38 | Цитировать | Ответить
    Зачем нужен 4 пункт плана? Даже в задании не обозначается.