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9 января 2021
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Задание 40 ЕГЭ-2022 по английскому языку

Критерии и пример.

Максимальный балл за выполнение задания — 14.

Критерий 1: вступление в соответствии с темой проекта; описание 2-3 фактов из таблицы; 1-2 существенных сравнения; обозначена возможная проблема, предложено ее решение; в заключении выражено мнение автора о проблеме; нейтральный стиль речи.

Критерий 2: текст поделен на абзацы, логично выстроен, есть средства логической связи (вводные слова, союзы).

Критерий 3: словарный запас высокого уровня сложности, ошибки отсутствуют.

Критерий 4: грамматические конструкции высокого уровня сложности, ошибки отсутствуют.

Критерий 5: орфография и пунктуация без ошибок.

Кроме того:

→ Нет текстуальных совпадений;
→ Объем 180-275 (менее 180 слов – 0 баллов, более 275 – отчеркивание 250);
→ При 0 баллов по первому критерию – 0 баллов за все задание;

Подробнее в демоверсии.

Образец выполнения задания 40

Вступление: This project aims to outline the main features concerning usage of smartphones in the past years and to dwell on the purposes people use them for.

Отчёт по 2-3 пунктам: Firstly, it is clearly seen from the table, that people mostly need their cells for calling and sending e-mails, giving 78% and 79% respectively. Nevertheless, finding information in the Internet is also crucial, which is shown by 58% of respondents.

Сравнение: Surprisingly, while 58% of people, taken part in the survey, use their phones for surfing the Internet, just 15% of respondents pay for goods and services via the smartphones. It also seems interesting, that making calls is not the main purpose, people buy phones for. According to the table, this option gets 78% of the answers, while e-mailing gets 1% more, with 79% in total.

Проблема и предложения: As it is clearly seen, in the modern world smartphones are not only means of getting in touch by calling, but also providers of information, goods, services and entertainment. It seems to me obvious, that modern companies should develop further applications for mobile phones, so that people can easily satisfy most of their needs via the phones. I propose all modern companies to pay more attention and divide rich financial sources for this purpose.

Выводы: Summing up, in the modern constantly changing world it is significant to be on the competitive edge. Reality shows us, that cells are no longer just phones, but a kind of personal helpers and means for various purposes in lives. Bearing that in mind, it is extremely important for modern companies to provide their services through mobile applications.
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