Английский Пробники | Видеоуроки | Демоверсия
30 сентября 2017
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Шпаргалка к заданию №2 устной части


Key word Translation Win-win question (Present Simple) Example
Availability Наличие Do you have …? Do you have an audio version of the book?
Accommodation Вид жилья What types of the accommodation do you have?
Date Дата When is the …? When is the first session?
Dates Даты What are the dates of …? What are the dates of the exhibition?
Destination  Направление What is the destination of …? What is the destination of the tour?
Discount(s) Скидка(и) Do you have any discount(s) for…? Do you have any discounts for students?
Distance Расстояние How far is/are the …? How far is the theatre?
Duration/time Продолжительность, время How long is the …? How long is the guarantee period?
If… Если Is/Are …(меняем порядок слов в предложении)? Is it a paperback edition?
Facilities Удобства What facilities do you have? What sport facilities do you have?
Insurance coverage Покрытие страховки Do you have an insurance coverage?  
Location/place Месторасположение Where is / are the …? Where is the starting point of our trip?
Need/ necessity Необходимость Do I need to …? Do I need to bring my slippers?
Number Количество How many … do you have? How many bridges do you have?
Price, cost, fare, fee Цена, плата What is the price of …? What is the price of the tuition?
Possibility Возможность Can I … / Is it possible to …? Can I buy the tickets online?
Разнообразие, виды What … (courses, jobs, kinds of, etc.) do you have? What kinds of flowers do you have?
Transportation Транспортировка  How can I get there?
Working/opening hours Рабочие часы What are the working/opening hours?

Автор: Галялетдинов Ильмир Фаритович.
    • smileblushsmirkconfusedhushedpensivecry
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  1. кто-то 23 мая 2020 14:07 | Цитировать | Ответить
    Здравствуйте,мой репетитор говорил,что через Can лучше не задавать вопрос,также эти слова подтвердил эксперт...