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11 июля 2012
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Рекомендации к письму. Задание C1

Пишем письмо. Задание в ЕГЭ по английскому языку - C1.

General tips

Use contractions: "We'd love to see you."

Use 'really' for emphasis: "We're going to have a really good time."

You can have incomplete sentences: "Great idea! Fantastic! Can't wait to see you."

Use "get": "get home", "get bored", "get sick", "get back", "get away", "get a present"

Short questions are fine: "What do you think?" "Will it be expensive?"

Replying to a letter from a friend

Dear Bob,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear that your broken leg is better now, and that you are back with the team playing football regularly.

Guess what? Mum and Dad are planning a trip to sunny England, so ........

Well, that's all for now. Write soon and tell me about ..............



Writing after a long time

Dear Tracy,

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote to you. I have been really busy with .........

Anyway, I have some good news.

Write back soon and let me know ......

Asking for more information

I'd like a bit more information about ................
One thing is the accommodation. Will we be staying in tents?
And about the food, do you know if ............?
Another thing is the price. How much will it cost?
Can you tell me if ................?

Write back soon so that we can arrange the flight tickets.

Best wishes to all the family.



Giving information and making suggestions

You asked about ............. Well, where can I begin?
I definitely think you should ..............
And don't worry about the ................... We will make sure ..............
Also, it would be a great idea to ...............
If I were you, I would .................
About the price, it costs ..........
Lastly, I want to tell you about the ...........

Does that help? If you've got any more questions, drop me another line.

I can't wait to see you. We're going to have a fantastic time on the beach.

All the best,


Inviting people

We're spending two weeks in the mountains and we'd love you to come with us. Are you free? I hope so because we'll have a really great time.

Turning down invitations

Thanks for the invitation but I'm really sorry that I won't be able to come. We've already arranged to go on a scubadiving trip to the Red Sea.

Другое пособие к С1.
    • smileblushsmirkconfusedhushedpensivecry
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